TC-Stats is the most powerful data analysis
application designed specifically for the iPad.

The user manual contains more than a dozen
videos showing step-by-step operation of
TC-Stats along with over 130 screen shots
with written step-by-step instructions.

Click the image to the left to purchase a copy of the manual in iBooks format, meaning you need an iPad with iBooks 2.0 or later loaded.



Note: TC-Stats v1.2 was submitted to the iTunes Store on January 14th, 2013. The current manual is for version 1.1. The new manual will be updated soon. If you purchase the manual for 1.1, you will get an auto-notification from Apple when the new manual is available. All functions in version 1.1 are still in 1.2. The new manual will address new functions/features.


Table of Contents:

Introduction: Why TC-Stats?

Chapter 1: Transferring Data Files to TC-Stats
Allowable File Types
Importing Data
Removing Data Files From The Editor
Removing Data Files From Your iPad
Dropbox Support
Wifi Support
Email /Open with TC-Stats
URL Support

Chapter 2: Summary Statistics
Data Preparation
Video: Setting Measurement Scales
Viewing Summary Statistics
Video: Summary Statistics
Exporting Summary Statistics

Chapter 3: Producing Graphs
Frequency Distribution Tables
Frequency Distribution Tables: Interval and Ratio Data
Frequency Distribution Tables: Nominal and Ordinal Data
Box-And-Whisker Plots
Video: Box-And-Whisker Plots
Scatter Plots
Normal Plots
Video: Normal Plots

Chapter 4: One Variable Analysis
One-Sample T-Test
Video: One-Sample T-Test
Sign Test
Video: Sign Test
Z-Test for a Mean
Z-Test for a Proportion
Video: Z-Test for a Proportion

Chapter 5: Two Variable Analysis
Two-Sample T-Test
Wilcoxon Rank-Sum
Two-Sample Z-Test for Means
Two Sample Z-Test for Proportions
Odds Ratios
Video: Odds Ratio
Video: F-Test

Chapter 6: Many Samples
Video: One-Way ANOVA
Kruskal-Wallis Test
Video: Kruskal-Wallis Test

Chapter 7: Categorical Data Analysis
Chi-Squared Goodness-of-Fit
Chi-Squared Test of Independence
Video: Chi-Squared Test of Independence
Chi-Squared Test of Independence (Manual Data Entry)
Video: Chi-Squared Test of Independence (Manual Data Entry)

Chapter 8: Probability Distributions
Binomial PDF and CDF
Normal Distribution
Inverse Normal
Chi-Squared Distribution

Chapter 9: Using the Editor
Non-Conforming Data
Manually Creating A Dataset
Adding a New Column
Video: Creating a New Data Set
Stacking and Unstacking Data
Video: Stacking Data
Data Coding


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